If you leave a message to anyone who might see this web site, fill out everything in the guest book, and leave you E-mail so your buddies can write to you.
If you need to get intouch with me you can contact me at:
E-mail: alpete53@yahoo.com
E-mail: apeteso@elp.rr.com
E-mail: the86thtrans@the86thtrans.freeservers.com

I could not find the 86th Trans.Co. anywhere on the internet, that is why I made this web site. If it helps anyone contact someone important to them, then this web site will have served its purpose.
IF anyone served in a trans company in vietnam and you want to say something send me an E-mail and I'll put it on this web site so you can be heard.
IF anyone served in a trans company in vietnam, and you have pictures you want to put on this web site,
you can get them scanned and put into a J-PEG (jpg) format and make them from 15 kilo bytes to 40 kilo bytes size each picture and attach them in you E-mail to me and I'll put them on this web site, make sure you have info about each picture if you want to and let me know you full name and E-mail so I can put that as well on this web site, so other personel can see them and get intouch with you.
May be the guys you served with, it has been 30 years, entirely too long, and we all need to get intouch and keep intouch.