THE 86th TRANS COMPANY Long Binh Vietnam

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Welcome To The 86th Trans Web Site
*****Welcome Home Veterans*****

INFACT I DON'T GET Paid anything for Stuff on this Web Site!


Trauma-Informed Care For Women

Military Service Member And Veteran Guide To AI-Related MOS Options And The Transition To Civilian Careers In AI

Free & Confidential Drug Hotline. Call NOW:(888) 429-5845

Addiction Treatment for Veterans

Contingency Management Helps Veterans Stay Drug-Free

Everything You Need to Know About Pregnancy and Drugs

What Veterans Should Know About Sleep

Veterans Substance Abuse And Mental Health Resources

Help for American Veterans (Updated for 2019)

How GW supports service members, Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life !

Attending College While in the Military

College Benefits for Military Dependents


Online Colleges for Veterans and Military Personnel


Source from: Emily Sorenson
Education Outreach Specialist
Center for School, College & Career Resources

Business Opportunities for US Military Veterans

Cyber Security Education and Training Resources for Veterans

How Can Whistleblowers Help Fight Fraud?

A whistleblower claim may be brought against any type of business or organization,
including healthcare providers,
non-profit organizations,
private and publicly-traded companies,
federal, state and local government agencies,
and public and private educational institutions.


Empowering Military Spouse Education & Employment

Veterans’ Guide to Getting Hired



Drug Dangers

Recognizing, Understanding and Combatting Alcohol & Drug Abuse on Campus

Exploring Criminal Justice Careers



Veteran Business Ideas

Veteran Guide To Starting and Owning A Business
click on picture below!

Best Businesses for Veterans


Recall Report Organization

*** Veterans and Cerebral Palsy ***

*** Agent Orange and Birth Defects ***


Agent Orange affecting children and grandchildren of Vietnam Vets

A Toxic Legacy: Has Agent Orange Hurt the Children of Vietnam Vets?

What Agent Orange Does To The Body

The Dark Shadow of Agent Orange | Retro Report | The New York Times

Family of Vietnam Vet Exposed to Agent Orange Suffers Side Effects

"Silent Exposure" A Personal Agent Orange & Vietnam War Story

Faces of Agent Orange Holds Briefing for S.1602

Vietnam vets suffer from long-term effects of Agent Orange

Veterans' Diseases Associated with Agent Orange

DOD Herbicides Sprayed Outside of Vietnam


Secure Messaging -- VA Goes Virtual

Published on Jan 29, 2013
Secure Messaging gives Veterans a safe and convenient way to communicate online with their VA health care providers.
With Secure Messaging, Veterans all messages stay inside the My HealtheVet system and don't travel across the internet.
Rest assured that this is a safe, secure, web-based service that allows Veterans to communicate non-urgent, non-emergency health-related information with their VA health care teams between visits. For emergencies, always dial 911.

Not a My HealtheVet user? Register today at Anyone may register and use My HealtheVet.
Veterans who receive health care from VA should register and obtain a Premium Account to access all the features of My HealtheVet.
This includes access to Secure Messaging, appointment information, and the VA Blue Button. Register today!


In Memory of the Fallen of War


Veterans Crisis Line -- Behind the Scenes

The Second Front. Vietnam: Combat Veterans Stories


Welcome home to those who have finished their military obligation, and “Thank you” to those who still serve.


Star Spangled Banner As You've Never Heard It

The Accurate Story Behind the Star Spangled Banner


A Tribute to Vietnam Veterans Featuring the Voice of Mr. Sam Elliott

Branson Honors Purple Heart Recipients 2015 (Full Documentary)

Save the Date: Thursday, April 21st - Saturday, April 23rd, 2016 Events




About PTSD symptoms: "I pretty much alienated myself from everyone... " CPT Sarah C. Humphries

About PTSD symptoms: "One of my big triggers is driving." Veteran Timm Lovitt

About PTSD symptoms: "You hear a boom... and even now, I count." Veteran Jeff McDowell

About PTSD symptoms: "It sneaks up on you like a ghost in the night." Veteran Edward J. Fair


Veterans Crisis Line -- Behind the Scenes


Education, relocation, parenting, stress - you name it - Military OneSource is here to help you with just about any need. Available by phone or online, our free service is provided by the Department of Defense for active-duty, Guard, and Reserve service members and their families. The service is completely private and confidential, with few exceptions.



Currently 3249 Homeless Shelters and Social Services.
There should be one near you!

In the 70's the U.S. Army use to have a project called Transition,
from military life to civilian life, then they ran out of funds!

Homeless Veterans: Stand Down
Some veterans returning from Iraq or Afghanistan into the recession are finding themselves homeless. Scott Pelley reports on an annual encampment in San Diego where veterans can find hope, help and services.


More vets may get treatment for PTSD
Women, barred from combat but still in danger, stand to benefit from change.

PTSD Treatment Programs in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Disability Benefits For Wounded Warriors
Military service members can receive expedited processing of disability claims from Social Security. Benefits available through Social Security are different than those from the Department of Veterans Affairs and require a separate application.

The expedited process is used for military service members who become disabled while on active military service on or after October 1, 2001, regardless of where the disability occurs.
Benefits available through Social Security

Listen to Audio About
Disability Benefits For Wounded Warriors available through Social Security

Veterans Affairs and require a separate application.
Have you recently returned from military service? If you've served, you've earned benefits. Now is the time to take advantage of the benefits VA offers OEF/OIF Veterans. Please do so NOW!

Disability Benefits For Wounded Warriors
Military service members can receive expedited processing of disability claims from Social Security. Benefits available through Social Security are different than those from the Department of Veterans Affairs and require a separate application.

The expedited process is used for military service members who become disabled while on active military service on or after October 1, 2001, regardless of where the disability occurs.
Benefits available through Social Security

Listen to Audio About
Disability Benefits For Wounded Warriors available through Social Security

Veterans Affairs and require a separate application.
Have you recently returned from military service? If you've served, you've earned benefits. Now is the time to take advantage of the benefits VA offers OEF/OIF Veterans. Please do so NOW!
Don't Wait Until It Is Too Late, Like I Did!




1914 – 1918

Help commemorate 100 years since the Great War started. The National World War I Museum and Fold3 have collaborated to help the nation preserve and remember the courage, honor, sacrifice and valiant efforts that led to the end of the world's first global conflict.

Always remember and never forget


We Did Not Loose The War In Vietnam Like Everyone Keeps Telling Us!

Richard Nixon-Address to the Nation on an Agreement to End the War in Vietnam (January 23, 1973)

The Truth about the Vietnam War

Published on Jun 23, 2014
Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided. The truth is that our military won the war, but our politicians lost it. The Communists in North Vietnam actually signed a peace treaty, effectively surrendering. But the U.S. Congress didn't hold up its end of the bargain. In just five minutes, learn the truth about who really lost the Vietnam War.

Indochina war


Search Engine


The FBI's,
Most Wanted Terrorists,
Hunting Season Is OPEN !


as we get older!

Interesting Vietnam & other military statistical information

In case you haven't been paying attention these past few decades after you returned from Vietnam , the clock has been ticking.

The following are some statistics that are at once depressing yet in a larger sense should give you a huge sense of pride.

"Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam , Less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veteran's age approximated to be 54 years old."
How does it feel to be among the last third of all the Vietnam Veterans who served in Vietnam to be alive?

I don't know about you guys, but it kind of gives me the chills.

Considering the kind of information available about the death rate of WWII and Korean War Veterans, publicized information indicates that in the last 14 years Vietnam veterans are dying at the rate of 390 deaths each day.

At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015.

These statistics were taken from a variety of sources to include: The VFW Magazine, the Public Information Office, and the HQ CP Forward Observer.

Cam Ranh Bay-6th Convalescent Center Attacks


What is a career?
While many people use the words “job” and “career” interchangeably, the two have very different meanings.
Throughout your life, you may hold various jobs starting, perhaps starting when you are in high school or earlier. Typically, people pursue just one career.
A career is a journey, and something you will be committed to in the long term.
It consists of different steps and, ideally, it is something that you feel is your calling.
If you are a student ready to begin your higher education, or have held many different jobs and want to know how to make the switch to doing what you love, this career guide will be a great resource.




The unemployment news and headlines stand as daily reminders of one of the economy’s greatest challenge.
And yet one group of Americans are unemployed today at a rate three times that of the national average.
Who are they? Ex-cons? High School Dropouts? Heroin Addicts?
Guess again – they are men and women, honorably discharged, from The US Armed Forces.


Photos: The Pacific and Adjacent Theaters in WWII


"Welcome Home" Trailer

Published on Mar 1, 2014
"Welcome Home" is a new series being produced by Sleeping Dog Productions, Inc.
It tells the story of Viet Nam Veterans, from all branches of the service. It is scheduled for release in 2015, the 40th anniversary year of the end of the War. It is a thank you -- and a welcome home that is long, long, overdue.

Return to Makin Island


Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?


Rear Admiral Lee Addresses Restrictive Regulations on Religious Liberty


LIVE on C-SPAN, Watch Your Congressional Representative in the House!

If they do not do what you want them to do don't vote for them the next time in 2014!

Can You Pass the Healthy Food Access Quiz?

International Space Station, Spot The Station
Spot The Station will give you a list of upcoming space station sighting opportunities for your location.

Sign up to receive Washington Weekly and stay in-the-know on key issues affecting veterans and military.


Operation Montagnard Against the Viet Cong_ Vietnam War - U.S

Mass Raid Against Degar Christians Posted Press Release — 03 October 2012
There was a mass raid against Degar Christians during a prayer vigil, which resulted in multiple injuries to infants and elders. On August 21, 2012, at approximately 7:30am, Degar Catholics from the village of Bon Kon H’Drom (commune of Dak T’Re, district of Kon Braih in Kontum province) were in the midst of having prayer and worshiping God when Vietnamese armed security forces raided them. While many were able to disperse, young children with their mothers and the elderly were not able to move quickly enough and were subsequently trampled by the security officers and struck with batons.

We, the indigenous Degar people, have completely lost our hope for life here in this world. It is true to us the indigenous Degar people when we look at what has happening to our ancestral homeland and our people’s living condition before and after1975. The only hope left for us is our faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This hope might not be true to most people in the world but our faith gives us confidence in the coming again of Christ and that He will receive us into Himself. Then, there will be no more sickness and no more sufferings.

But, the Vietnamese government also wants to destroy this last and only hope of ours by forcing us to believe in its government and to worship its communist party. We, the indigenous Degar people, know that we cannot protect this only hope of ours but we do believe and trust that the United States, European Union and the United Nations can help us.

Thank you and God bless.

List of indigenous peoples in the World

The Persecution of the Degar People.


JOBS FOR Veterans

Update: Hot Careers for 2012, February 27, 2012 |Ho Lin

The Best (and Worst) Run Companies, 10 JAN 2012

The Best (and Worst) Jobs of 2011,, by Ho Lin.

Avoid These 10 Common Pitfalls in Your Resume in 2012

Best Veteran Employers: A Top-35 List, From

Worst Cities for Finding a Job?

Start Your Military Service Record Request (DD Form 214 & SF-180)


High unemployment rate, reduced state resources tough on veterans


March 18, 2011 Returning Veterans Graduate Special Program ~ Smith & Wesson Delivers Training, Employment

Returning veterans have options at home By Steve Lathrop | Posted: Saturday, April 2, 2011 11:07 pm

Employing Returning Combat Veterans as Law Enforcement Officers:
Supporting the Integration or Re-Integration of Military Personnel into Federal, State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement

Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: Ten Tips for Letting Federal Employers Know Your Worth


Federal Employment Information Fact Sheets: The Federal Job Search



The Federal Government has a long and outstanding record of employing veterans. There are laws providing Veterans' preference and special appointing authorities for veterans, as well as the fact that agencies recognize that hiring veterans is just good business. Federal service provides a means for veterans to continue their noble service to this country.
The Office of Personnel Management created a web site, a single depository without redundancy and misinformation that meets all veterans' employment information needs.




VA & DOD Healthcare Center


Khan Academy

The First Americans page 1

The First Americans page 2

The First Americans page 3

NOTES: After Clicking the files once you may open or save
Please Wait for the Files to Load then play them !

LOWER CLASS 99% Birds (video)

UPPER CLASS 1% Birds (video)

AFGE Inside Government Radio on Social Security (audio)

AFGE Inside Government Radio on Social Security Cost Of Living Allowance (COLA) (audio)

Radio Talk on Social Security Part 1 (audio)

Radio Talk on Social Security Part 2 (audio)

Radio Talk on Nurses Union and Social Security (audio)

The Patriot Files Military Store

We're the Wolf PAC and we're coming.

Testimony of Hollister K. Petraeus before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs

Agent Orange Zone


Buy American Made Products
and Boost our Economy and Create Jobs !
Products Made Inside the USA, by Americans.
The American People Have the Power over Big Corporations,
by not spending your money for products made out side the USA.


Agent Orange Zone

Judge Lets Agent Orange Case Against Monsanto Proceed, September 29, 2011

Anthony Westbury: Veterans keep waiting for their just rewards, Posted October 1, 2011 at 2:28 p.m.


Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)




How Can I Receive My VA Benefits?

MesoLawyersCare – The Help You Need serves as a guide to families and patients providing essential information on asbestos trust funds and Mesothelioma Treatment from the top doctors and cancer centers

Mesothelioma Helpmesothelioma helps patients and families to find the top mesothelioma docotros and cancer centers in their area.

Countless veterans were exposed to asbestos during their military service. Visit our center today to learn about statistics for mesothelioma cancer if you or someone you know has has been affected.

Mesothelioma Lawyer Center

Information for veterans about mesothelioma cancer from

Free copies of "Surviving Mesothelioma" are available to newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients.

For further information on asbestos exposure in the military,
visit Mesothelioma Web,
one of the most comprehensive resources on asbestos & mesothelioma.
See also the page specifically for veterans: Mesothelioma & Veterans.

Surviving Get Your Free Copy Today!
We only have a limited number of complimentary copies so this offer is only available to newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients. helps the terminally ill and their families realize that there is life after being diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma or lung cancer diagnosis from asbestos exposure - how we can help. We will travel to your location to gather information and assist you in the steps to becoming a client.

Attention: All U.S. Veterans who are concerned that you may be exhibiting mesothelioma symptoms and are interested in seeking help. Find out what you should do concerning your health and receiving good mesothelioma lawsuit advice.



Bomb at US Base Reminder of Raging Afghan War

College Credit for Military Service


Fact Sheet: The American Jobs Act


This Year, Contractor Deaths Exceed Military Ones in Iraq and Afghanistan by T. Christian Miller ProPublica, Sep. 23, 2010

American Contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan Contingency and War Zone Operations

Defense Base Act Insurance Company CNA may owe US Government as much as $58.5 million Posted by defensebaseactcomp on July 28, 2011

This Week @NASA

Watch NASA TV click here!


[Video] VJ Day, Honolulu Hawaii, August 14, 1945 by Richard Sullivan

Public and Intergovernmental Affairs
VA Creates Women Veterans Call Center
July 7, 2011

Agent Orange: Diseases Related to Agent Orange Exposure

Agent Orange: Birth Defects in Children of Vietnam and Korea Veterans

Filing Claims for Presumptive Conditions Based on Herbicide Exposure


New Law Allows Vet Hiring Preference

Are Female Vets Getting Shortchanged in the Job Market? By Ho Lin April 13, 2011

Social Security is always being raided. And some brave person – typically an elected official or someone aspiring to be – is always vowing to stop this outrage before our retirement system is drained to the dregs. That’s just how it is in mad-as-hell America, where righteous indignation comes slickly packaged and accurately defining one’s terms is an unnecessary formality.

Two Very Good Web Sites !

Our Vietnam

Detroit Our Greatest Generation

Congress Blames Bank for Troop Suicides

The Verdict: Hang Up Don't Fall for Jury Duty Scam

Bob and Tom Telemarketer Nightmare

Finding Homes For America's Homeless Women Veterans And Their Children

VA boosts medical care for female veterans

Untited States Department of Veterans Affairs

Can You Spot the Sniper? .Posted 5 days ago by Video Blogger
Wait for it...

January 31, 2011, marks the 43rd anniversary of the Tet Offensive, a surprise attack by the North Vietnamese that took place on the first day of the Vietnamese new year -- a day that had been expected to be a quiet religious holiday. NavyTV is airing two episodes of the documentary series "Virginians At War," which feature vintage film footage taken during some of this historic event and first-person accounts from Virginia veterans of the Offensive.
Tet Offensive - Chapter 1

Tet Offensive - Chapter 2

YOU Can Become an Honorary Member of Paralyzed Veterans in 2011

Honorary Membership gifts help to provide rehabilitation support, access to benefits and advocacy efforts on our veterans' behalf, support for veterans' families, and research funding to bring hope for a brighter future.

Most important you will let veterans who have sacrificed so much to protect our country know they have the support and respect of proud, patriotic Americans like you.

Legion looking into neglect, abuse cases
of state veterans homes and VA community living centers.

The American Legion Women's Veterans Survey

Paralyzed Veterans of America

National Export Initiative

Economy & Trade

Benefits of Trade

State Specific Benefits

Buy American Made Products
and Boost our Economy and Create Jobs !
Products Made Inside the USA, by Americans.

Earths Magnetic Field Shifts Forcing Airport Runway Change

Scientists find hole in Earth's magnetic field

Our planet's magnetic field is in a constant state of change, say researchers who are beginning to understand how it behaves and why

Agent Orange
Information about Agent Orange, possible health-related problems and VA benefits

Court orders VA to act on new Agent Orange findings
August 05, 2010|By Tom Philpott, Special to the Daily Press


Operation Flyswatter

Federal Benefits for Veterans Dependents & Survivors 2010 Edition

Thursday, July 22, 2010
Study: Troops Have Higher Rates of Some Cancers

New PTSD Rules Relax Definition July 12, 2010
Now more veterans will now be able to file claims for PTSD, including troops who did not have direct contact with the enemy.


Veterans' Research

Birth Defect Research for Children has worked with Vietnam veterans’ families since 1986 when the first Agent Orange Class Assistance Programs were funded. Although BDRC did not have AOCAP funding, we worked with the University of South Carolina in case work that involved counseling with veterans’ families and creating a series of fact sheets on the disabilities they were reporting in their children. During this time BDRC also began the first initiative to set up the National Birth Defect Registry, partly to collect the information being reported by the veterans.

The Next Two Links are to
.PDF File to read you need Adobe Acrobat Reader Software on your computer.
Agent Orange/Dioxin and Other Toxic Exposures Committee

Environmental Factors in Birth Defects
What We Need to Know !

The FBI's,
Most Wanted Terrorists,
Hunting Season Is OPEN !


Find Today's UV Index For Your City/Town

Search for gas prices by US Zip Code

Don't Forget to Visit:

Missing Children

Good Web Site for Picture of Saigon, etc:
Dennis Mansker's Web Site Photos of Saigon, Long Bien, ETC.

This is what I remember Convoys & OX Carts
This particular convoy we hauled Peniprime for the Engineers Building the Roads.

26, 500 miles in 7 1/2 months All over Vietnam.



United States Central Command
Operation in Afgantistan

Getting phone calls from someone you don't know? It could be debt collectors, telemarketers, political robocalls, a phone survey company or maybe just a wrong number. Search CallFerret's reverse lookup list of telephone numbers, read submitted comments and post your own research and opinions.

Vietnam War - The Impact of Media

New Web Sites:
159th Medical Detachment
(Helicopter Ambulance)

Vietnam Veterans Contacts

Sorted by State !

Chairborne Ranger Transportation Corps Vietnam

Department of Veterans Affairs Links

Department of Veteran Affairs Site Map

Information regarding VA Benifits:

Agent Orange concerns:

The VietNam Veterans' Memorial Wall Page

Welcome To My Home Page!

I remember that we hardly ever knew where we were going, most of the convoys we just followed the truck in front of us, and made sure we did not loose sight of the truck in front of us.

On one convoy we were passing through Saigon, and at a traffic light there was what we call the white mice, cause they dressed in a white uniform directing traffic, well this particular convoy I did not know where we were going and I was not about to stop and loose sight of the truck in front of me cause I was loaded down with Powder, so he pulled his pistol, looked like a police special with the loop in the handle for the cord that goes around his neck, and started shooting at me, so I went down in my seat and I heard the bullets bouncing off the metal cab on my 5 ton.

Of course the truck behind me stopped so I slowed down so he could keep me in sight and I could still see the truck in front of me until the white mice vietnamese guy let him pass.

Some times we got word on the objective, or place where we were going, of course if you had never been there, just don't loose sight of the truck in front of you.

Like when we hauled stuff for the Australian Army north of Vung Tau, suppose to be an R&R Place, so we pulled in north of Vung Tau to rest and met up with another convoy before continueing to the point where the Australian Army base camp was along the beach with palm trees, reminded me of home, I'm from Miami Florida.

We met up with the other convoy, we were rested, and as soon as they got there we all pulled out, so they did not get any rest. A mission First kinda thing. Anyway we finally got to the Austrialian Base camp, and we were in the process of getting unloaded when a sniper started shooting at us.

I got my head down like my reaction from my first tour of duty, and I look around and all the American Army guys got their heads down, and I noticed all the Australians are standing up and pointing where the sniper was for someone to go and get him, like they were bullet proof.

I thought these guys got allot of guts or their all crazy. Well anyway a coulple of the Austrialians went down there about 600 yards and shot the sniper out of a palm tree.

A Saigon Party:
And Other Vietnam War Short Stories

Memories Are Like Clouds

Transportation In Vietnam

El Paso Local Time and Temperature:

Click for El Paso, Texas Forecast

Weather From

United States Weather Radar Loop

World Weather Satellite

My First Tour of Duty
The 45th Surgical Hospital Tay Ninh

Register URL with 60 Search Engines Free

Fire Base Wade :
Fire Base Wade, was on the top of a mountain don't know the name, if anyone knows send me an e-mail, and a vietnamese good size village at the base of the mountain.
We use to wait in the village and they would send a twin 40mm duster down to the village to escort us up to the top of the mountain.
Now as long as that duster was with the convoy, charlie, VC, would not dare to shoot a you.
However, the road going up the mountain was the roughest road for a 5 ton bob tail, not pulling a trailer just the tractor, on the last part of the convoy as convoy support, incase on of the other tractors broke down.
Now while trying to drive your aiming your foot at the accelerator, and bouncing out of your seat with your head hitting the canvas top of the cab, and your butt sitting all over the front from the drivers seat to the passenger seat, hanging on to the steering wheel and trying to keep going, but your foot comes off the accelerator, so your speeding up and slowing down and bouncing all around bob tail.
Top Speed is 10 miles per hour, down to 3 miles per hour, and back up to 10 miles per hour all the way up the mountain.
Of course when your driving in the rear of the convoy, your the last one there, and by the time you get there, everyone else is unloaded, and rested, and ready to go back down the mountain, you might get 5 to 10 minutes break if your lucky, but your not so lucky, looks like their ready to go.
So, you wait til the last truck pulling a unloaded trailer passes, then you pull in behind, and 5-10 miles per hour all the way back down the mountain bouncing all over the cab of the truck.
FINALLY, your back down to the village, you think your going to get some rest, but since you're not waiting on a duster, everyone pulls out and the long drive back to Long Bien begins.
That's why in the picture I'm resting and drinking a knice cold beer. When we worked we worked hard and fought hard, and when we had a chance to kick back and rest we did that too.
New people in country use to look at us and think how come those guys are loafing and goofing off, if they had only known !
Take a good look around this Web Site and if you have anything to say leave it on the 86th Trans. Co. Guest Book, or send me an e-mail:
Thanks for Listening to me.

This site owned by
Alfred L. Peterson

Federal Web Site Links:



Federal News Radio

Disabled Veterans Life


Tri Care

Constitution Center

Veterans Holidays

American Legion

US Medals

Veterans Supply Line

Federal Jobs

USA JOBS-Office of Personnel Management

STESSED OUT, Internet Mental Health



Small Business Administration

The HOUSE of Represents Someone or another

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AGENT ORANGE (Insecticide!)

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